The Gazebo in Northampton (a wonderful lingerie store) asked for holiday corsets, so I made one in a gold metallic silk brocade: and one in a red silk brocade: Perhaps I should make something cute and sparkly for me… … Continue reading
Marcia Hendrick
I am almost done with a new waspie. I am using a gold, rose and lavender cotton drapery fabric that I found as a remnant. The overall pattern is way too big for a corset, but I loved individual elements … Continue reading
It’s done! I finished everything except the lacing last weekend, but I was waiting for the satin cord to arrive before I posted. The remaining steps that it took me to get to done: I measured the length of the … Continue reading
The last post ended with the corset ready for hand-basting along the seam lines, which gets all the layers lined up the way they should be. Without doing this step, shifting would occur when I sew the channels for the … Continue reading
Here is the current state of the corset: These are the steps it took me to get to this point: 1. I sewed the right outside to lining at the center front seam.2. I turned it right side out and … Continue reading
Yesterday I sewed the corset pieces together. When I make my corset pattern pieces I add a 1/4″ seam allowance between the pieces, 1/2″ for the front center where the busk will go, and 1 1/2″ at the back center … Continue reading
In this and the next few posts I’ll show the steps I go through as I make a corset for my daughter, Cori. Besides (hopefully) being interesting, this will also motivate me to get this one done, since I am … Continue reading