Yesterday I sewed the corset pieces together. When I make my corset pattern pieces I add a 1/4″ seam allowance between the pieces, 1/2″ for the front center where the busk will go, and 1 1/2″ at the back center where I’ll be installing the grommets. The top and bottom edges will be covered in bias trim so I don’t add anything extra for seams there. Here is the lining:
Then I sewed the outer layer pieces together. The brocade acted like it wanted to deconstruct itself into a massive frayed mess as soon as possible, so I used an overcast stitch for the seams to keep it under control. I pressed the seams for the lining in the opposite direction from the seams for the outer fabric so they will stay out of each other’s way when I put the two layers together. Next task: sewing the front seam and inserting the busk.